my home 04-1

[Con.] T-Read Bookshelf - Wall Version
floorplan. hanging lightbulb
+ILO+ Gas Heater [gacha-yellow]
Zigana . grandpapa`s  studies
[*Art Dummy!] sustain. (chair-wood2)
junk. round rug. chevron.
BALACLAVA!! NOEL's bin (wood)
[tea.s] Black Memories Box   Shoetopia
+Half-Deer+ Deer Paintbrush Holders
*Second Spaces* craft room - caddy RARE
*Second Spaces* craft room - paints
*Second Spaces* rustic pantry - dark natural
*Second Spaces*tabletop forest - spring/summer
A.D.D.Andel!Wooden Rainbow Wall Art-Dark Blue   Shoetopia
[ keke ] ink bottle - mint
[ keke ] ink bottle - sepia
[ keke ] ink pen - floral RARE
[ keke ] photo clipped sketch 5
{vespertine}- machinarium suitcase/ yello
R(S)W Paper Airplane - Plans

:CP: & [Con.] Cobblers Room Shine Chair RARE   Shoetopia
:CP: & [Con.] Cobblers Room Shoe Last
:CP: & [Con.] Cobblers Room Shoe Last 2
:CP: & [Con.] Cobblers Room Nailtray
:CP: & [Con.] Cobblers Room Foot Measure
:CP: & [Con.] Cobblers Room HeelPlates

11th Hour: Planter Wellies - Red   Shoetopia
~BAZAR~Toronto bedroom set  -Toronto-Curtain
Lark - Bird Nerd - Book & Binoculars   Geeks'n'Nerds
. a i s l i n g .  The Poisoned Apple frame
7 - Time Machine!

Zigana . potion wisdom
Zigana . tiny table sea
Zigana . garden Shelves
Zigana . elephant blue
Zigana . elephant red
Zigana . elephant small green

*~MMG's~* Books
*~MMG's~* File
*~MMG's~* Wood bobbin_1prim [monotone]
*~MMG's~* Wood bobbin_2prim [green]
*~MMG's~* Bamboo measure+cloth
*~MMG's~* Pin cushion+Spool stand

-Apple Fall
-O.M.E.N - Arcade - Panda Sushi
-11th Hour
-{what next}

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