Cloth : Mikunch / pajamas  -NEW- @ Creators Collection Box
Slippers : Mikunch / slippers (deer) RARE

Hat : BP*Sheep cap!100%WOOL (old gift)
Hair : Uw.st  Jan-hair( 2015gift for CJP
Hands : AMERIE - Sheep Hands(Group gift)

Hat : 8f8 - Jacques Le Scuba Dry Suit Head Monster *** RARE
Hair : *Dura-Girl*42(Strawberry)
Sleepwear : Mikunch / Mens pajamas cocoa   -NEW- @Creators Collection Box


TSS (January)
Sari-Sari - Blanket Fort - Sofa (Light) RARE
Sari-Sari - Blanket Fort - Rug (Dark)
Sari-Sari - Blanket Fort - Blanket
Sari-Sari - Blanket Fort - Pillows 1
Sari-Sari - Blanket Fort - Blanket and Pillow
Sari-Sari - Blanket Fort - Tea Tray
Sari-Sari - Blanket Fort - Bunting 3

oyasumi / stack of books
oyasumi / number one bowler

+Half-Deer+ Radiant Emperor Penguin - Blackfish
+Half-Deer+ Beaming Baby Penguin - Blackfish
~silentsparrow~ Penguin Noms - Fish

:CP: Aneto Skis

-NEW- @Uber
junk. arche desk.
junk. arche desk chair.
junk. hanging moon light.
junk. balance scales.
junk. calipers & papers.
junk. moon screen.

junk. old metal bed. silver.
junk. barbed wire chandelier. silver.

Atelier Kreslo Festival: aki's SleepingMoonCookie  -NEW-
Atelier Kreslo Festival: aki's StarPretzel  -NEW-
{Kitchinette - plates /structures 4}
[Breno] Alot tired
8f8 - Milk Bottles - GIFT

{vespertine}table junk.
{vespertine}granny's armchair/gold
{vespertine}frozen wreath- secret 1
junk. little house shelves.
junk. house lantern.
junk. letter rack.
junk. wannabe boho. step shelves. RARE
junk. wannabe boho. rug. three.
junk. step ladder shelf. plant.

HIDEKI - Wooden Craft Town
:CP: Priyanka Shade
AF String Lights
floorplan. vintage astrology poster (landscape)
floorplan. suitcase stack
Zigana . home made flamingo
[Breno] Kissmas Wreath-Gold
[Breno] Shoe Planter
Apple Fall 'Cat' Art

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Collaboration Works
with tomoto,


u10+'s items Go to u10+'s photostream


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